Retirement from a life of work can be one of the most important stages in life. It is not surprising, therefore, that most employers and their retiring employees like to make arrangements to mark the occasion. There are various ways of celebrating a retirement and in this article we look at a few of those that can be readily organised by your local caterers.
The three most popular times of the day to hold a retirement party are at lunchtime, immediately after the close of the working day and at a dinner event. There are no hard and fast rules as to which of these is selected, although it is often the case that the evening event is reserved for the more senior, longer serving retiree.
The venue for a retirement party can also be interchangeable and depends to a great extent on the timing of the event. Most parties that are planned for lunchtime on a working day will take place in the workplace, with outdoor caterers providing foods and non-alcoholic refreshments on site. Those parties that take place immediately after the close of the working day can either be held in the office, although in this instance alcoholic beverages are more likely to be required or in a venue local to the workplace that either provides its own catering services or is able to access an external catering company. Finally, the dinner party that marks the retirement of a valued employee almost invariably takes place away from the working environment and in a venue that provides a full range of dinner catering menus.
Many people now choose to celebrate a retirement in a novel fashion by organising a themed event. There is literally no limit to the number and type of theme that might be chosen. Murder mystery parties and parties that are based on the old "This Is Your Live" TV show rank amongst the most popular. Making a retirement party different from the norm like this can make it a more memorable occasion for the retiring person.
Other popular ideas to celebrate a retirement involve taking the entire party to an external event. For instance, if the retiree is a keen golfer, a golf day can be held as the retirement party. A day at the races is also popular or, in the case of a retiring theatre buff a night at a local show would be a great way of marking the important event. An outdoor barbecue event at a local park is yet another increasingly popular way of celebrating a retirement.
As we hope this short article demonstrates, there are many different ways of organising a retirement party. Whether the party is held at lunchtime, tea time or takes the form of an informal or more formal external dinner event, there will be a local catering company that will be able to assist in the planning and management of the event. Experienced caterers will have organised many retirement parties in the past and will be sensitive to any special requirements and will work closely with the event organisers to ensure that important matters such as speeches and presentations work smoothly with their overall catering services.
If you would like any further information about All Seasons Catering dinner party service please do not hesitate to contact us. Our caterers are always on hand to give their experience and advice.